Nafuna Aisha, 13 years from Wobulenga village in Namulesa Parish


This is Nafuna Aisha aged  13 years from Wobulenga village in Namulesa Parish, Mafubira Sub-county in Jinja District.Aisha has just sat her P.7 exams from Wakitaka P/S.She is  a total  orphan.Her mother died and she has never seen or known her father.She lives with her maternal aunt in a family of 10(8 children and 2 adults)

Aisha joined Wakitaka P/S in 2013 Primary one .She was always sickly, isolated, shy and always crying.She  lacked scholastic materials,uniform,and petty coats among others.She stayed hungry without even when her classmates were having meals at school because she was unable to contribute.

In 2017, Dinah the PCI Program Manager and a teacher at Wakitaka P/S identified Aisha when  she joined P.5. This is because Aisha exhibited a number of vulnerabilities.Aisha’s academic performance

was poor and attempts by Dinah to talk to her parents were futile.

Dinah supported Aisha through counselling, provision of basic needs including food,sanitary pads and scholastic materials. She also visited Aisha at her home and that is when she observed the vulnerability that the girl was experiencing. Aisha’s aunt had many children of her own whom she was struggling to provide for. The aunt expressed that she had done her best by sending Aisha to a government school to receive free education.

Since 2016, PCI has supported 17 vulnerable children(10 girls 7 boys) to stay in school and complete  education cycle through counseling,provision of scholastic materials ,sanitary pads and life skills. Aisha is one of those happy girls who have  been supported to complete primary education.  Aisha is hopeful that she will secure a primary leaving certificate to pursue her dream to become a teacher .

With $50 we are able to support one vulnerable children to stay in school for the entire year.

In the ending year, PCI identified 50 critically vulnerable children who need support to stay in school.We will require $3000 to keep these orphaned and vulnerable children in school.