Skills for HIV Prevention

Main activities:

Push Community Initiative (PCI)’s main activities include: identification and management of child abuse cases, school and community mobilization and awareness on child protection issues, Advocacy for policy formulation and enforcement, Research, Social support interventions that mitigate the impact of abuse on children and their families and Capacity building activities that strengthen the competences of child protection service providers, children and their families.

Main barriers to sugar daddy awareness campaigns in eastern Uganda:

Lack of awareness by adolescent girls on the risks of dating sugar daddies, lack of community engagement to address strong negative cultural and religious practices that promote early sex and marriage, inadequate facilitation to law enforcement agencies to reprimand the perpetrators, unclear messaging to address sugar daddy challenge, no competent and trained change makers/social workers on sugar daddy awareness

How to overcome the above barriers:

PCI is proposing PREPATU (Preventing Pregnancy among teenagers in Uganda) project to prevent pregnancy among 5000 adolescent girls in 70 primary and secondary schools (50 in Mbale and 20 in Jinja) districts in eastern Uganda through Sugar Daddy awareness classes on the risks of dating older men in 3months.

PCI Model Focus during the intervention: PCI   model will focus on training competent female trainers to deliver clear and researched message using D-Prize materials on risks of dating sugar daddies to the adolescent girls and conducting community dialogues with cultural, religious and local leaders, head teachers and the local media to raise their awareness but also identify factors contributing to the sugar daddy challenge and possible solutions.

Impact of the sugar daddy Intervention: At National level, the project will contribute to reduction in cross generational relations in Uganda and at community level the PREPATU project will increase knowledge among 5000 adolescent girls on behavioral risks of dating sugar daddies during the pilot period which will lead to a reduction in the likelihood of pregnancy and HIV infection.

Outcome table: 3 Months pilot period.

Number of Intervention Category of beneficiaries Target
One(Sugar daddy awareness classes) Direct beneficiaries -Adolescent girls(10-19 years) 5000
Staff /Trainers (12 female,3 male)
Key Stakeholders(head teachers, District and community leaders and parents) 200
Total beneficiaries 5,215

Summary of proposed budget: PCI estimates to spend USD20, 000 in 3 months. The 3 major expenses are: Training and Facilitation to staff for the 3 months to conduct trainings in the 70 targeted schools (USD 9000$), video/Van hire expenses (4,861 USD) and stakeholders engagement (1666 USD).

PCI Vision: Push Community Initiative (PCI) is a company limited by guarantee whose vision is “To see Empowered and productive communities safe for children”.

PCI Team/Directors:

Name Title Location during the project Professional commitments during the project
Mukwana Dinah Program Manager Jinja District Dinah is a primary teacher at Wakitaka Government aided school in Jinja District. She will be available to oversee at project activities in Jinja with a team of 4 staff
Massa Kenneth W. Managing Director Mbale District Kenneth is available full time on the project as he completes his MBA research. he will be based in Mbale  with a team of 8 staff
Massa Geofrey Director Kampala Will occasionally join in management meetings
PREPATU project staff Social workers (Jinja 4,Mbale 8) To be recruited

URL Link for evidence on proven intervention:


Push Community Initiative PREPATU Project detailed Budget ,2020 in UGX

Item Qty Frq Cost Total
Base line assessment 1 1 2000000 2000000
Project launch 2 1 1000000            2,000,000
Volunteer stipends 8 30 20000            4,800,000
Facilitation to staff to conduct awareness classes 12 80 30000          28,800,000
Gifts(assorted)for girls 1 3 500000            1,500,000
Monthly meetings with selected girls and trainers 350 3 5000            5,250,000
Stakeholder dialogue meetings 30 2 100000            6,000,000
Stationery and communication 1 3 300000                900,000
Data entry(computer and accessories) 1 1 3000000            3,000,000
Video/van hire 70 1 250000          17,500,000
Office utilities 2 3 100000                600,000
Contribution to office rent 2 3 200000            1,200,000
Communication and reporting 1 3 500000            1,500,000
Staff and Board meetings 1 3 500000            1,500,000
Grand total          76,550,000

PCI team is optimistic that the PREPATU project will greatly contribute to her vision: “To see Empowered and productive communities safe for children” and we greatly welcome development partners to support this vision.